General Bad Money Habits You Have to Stop Habits, especially bad habits, are hard to break. It even becomes worse when such habits are bad money habits. Bad money habits can prevent you from reaching...
Savings Emergency Funds: Why It’s Important If COVID has taught us anything, it is that life can be unpredictable. From small business owners closing up, to people losing their jobs. An emergency...
Guides Savings or Investments: the best option In a time of financial uncertainties, it is wise to save your hard-earned cash for whatever you have in view. But wouldn't you like to make more cash...
Guides Why Nigerians Keep Falling For Investment Scams The year is 2021, I‘m sitting in my office, talking to my mom on the phone. She tells me a friend just introduced her to yet another investment opportunity...
Investing How to Build an Investment Portfolio Every individual wants to grow wealth, But how exactly can this be done? If you are thinking of investments, I am sure you would...
Market Watch Zimvest Market Watch November 8th 2021 In the global space, Global equity markets hit fresh highs last week, buoyed by Q3-2021 earnings. The USA recorded positive economic growth at an annualized...
Guides 5 Reasons You are Struggling to Save One of the reasons you are reading this article could be because you are struggling to save, right? Well, it's not just you. Many people...
Guides Eurobond: Making your financial dreams come alive No one can argue against the fact that the harsh economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have necessitated a lot of ‘side hustles’ both for salary...
Guides 4 best low-risk investments in Nigeria Risk, Returns, Durations are some of the few things that come to mind when we talk about investment. Today, let's talk about Risk The thought of...
Guides How to Stop Impulse Buying and Save Money Impulse buying is a dead road that can lead to financial ruin. I am not trying to scare you, but it is what it is. I remember a day when my sister...