General Important Money Talks To Have In A Relationship Conversations about money, especially among couples, can sometimes be very awkward to have. However, can you really avoid talking about money when it is...
General How to manage Black Tax, a.k.a Family Billings If you are an African living in Africa, the concept of black tax probably isn’t strange to you. Chances are you have seen cases or heard stories where...
Guides Getting started with Investing In Mutual Funds In Nigeria As a newbie to the investment space, you've probably been hearing a lot of people talking about mutual funds and it's benefits. Except... there's one problem,...
Guides Why Women Should Be More Involved In Family Financial Planning Do you remember scenes from old Nollywood movies where women become widowed and more often than not have to beg or struggle to take care of themselves...
Investing Automated savings? Here are some of its benefits The need to save cannot be over-emphasized (can it?). It is the most basic way of surviving rainy days. The rainy days do not come with a warning, so...
General High-yield investment: Things you need to know What are high-yield bonds? Imagine a bond with higher rates because of lower credit ratings than investment-grade bonds. That’s called a high-yield...
General Federal Government Bonds: Good or Bad investment option? Are bonds a good investment option? Well, the simple answer is yes. The more complex answer depends on what other options are available - this is...
Market Watch Zimvest Market Watch January 24th 2022 In th global space, The U.S. equities market closed out its worst week since 2020, with big losses in technology and consumer discretionary names. The...
General Compound Interest – All You Need to Know You have probably heard of the term "compound interest", but do you know how it works? Compound interest is an important concept to grasp if you want...
General Financial Tips to get you through the January Winter If you are one of those people that really "dettied" this December, chances are you spent a chunk of your cash during the holidays and now you are probably...