Why Nigerians Keep Falling For Investment Scams The year is 2021, I‘m sitting in my office, talking to my mom on the phone. She tells me a friend just introduced her to yet another investment opportunity...
5 Reasons You are Struggling to Save One of the reasons you are reading this article could be because you are struggling to save, right? Well, it's not just you. Many people...
Eurobond: Making your financial dreams come alive No one can argue against the fact that the harsh economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have necessitated a lot of ‘side hustles’ both for salary...
4 best low-risk investments in Nigeria Risk, Returns, Durations are some of the few things that come to mind when we talk about investment. Today, let's talk about Risk The thought of...
How to Stop Impulse Buying and Save Money Impulse buying is a dead road that can lead to financial ruin. I am not trying to scare you, but it is what it is. I remember a day when my sister...
Treasury Bills: Getting better rewards for playing safe with your savings Who likes taking risks when they can be avoided, especially about investments? I bet, no one. So if you are currently searching for how to invest...
What to consider before choosing an investment advisor The role of an investment advisor is just like that of a confidant – they know all your secrets and intentions. For such a delicate role, you need to...
How to Invest Your Money Against Inflation The accelerating pace of inflation is one of the main economic trends of 2021. Nigeria’s inflation rate fell for the sixth consecutive month in September...
Ways to Save Money As a Student In Nigeria As a student, more often than not, you solely depend on monthly allowance from your parents or guardians for survival in school. Except, you are from a...
How Does Mutual Funds Work? What comes to mind first when you hear mutual funds? For me, it's "interest on money." Let me explain: I love finding new and easy ways to make extra money....